
Privacy Policy

Last updated: 2024 Year 03 Month 28 Day
"FunTainan" (hereinafter referred to as "the Platform") has elucidated this privacy policy for you to use the services and information provided by the Platform with peace of mind and to protect your rights and interests. Please read the following carefully:

I. Scope of the Privacy Protection Policy

This privacy protection policy outlines how the Platform handles the data collected during your use of the website's services. his privacy protection policy does not apply to linked websites outside of the Platform, nor does it apply to personnel who are not entrusted or managed by the Platform.

II. Data Collection and Usage

To provide you with the best interactive services on the Platform, we may ask you to provide personal information, including the following: 1. Online Events and Surveys: When you participate in online events or surveys of “FunTainan,” you may be asked to provide relevant personal information. The personal information collected during these events will be stored in the Platform’s database and used as a basis for organizing events, notifying results, and analyzing events. The Platform will only use the collected information for the purposes mentioned above after obtaining user consent. Additionally, to provide precise services, we will compile and analyze the collected survey data. The statistical data or explanatory texts derived from the analysis may be used for internal research and, if necessary, published. You may also participate in lotteries, competitions, or marketing events hosted by other websites or institutions via hyperlinks from the Platform's advertisements. The personal information you voluntarily provide in such instances is subject to the individual privacy policies of these institutions or linked websites, and their data handling practices are not subject to the Platform's privacy policy. (2) Subscription to Newsletters: If you wish to receive event information via email, you must provide an accurate email address to ensure receipt of the necessary information. For operational needs, we will retain the information you provide and offer services to unsubscribe or modify your information. (3) General Browsing: The server will automatically record relevant activities, including the IP address of your connecting device, usage time, browser used, and browsing and click data, as a reference for improving our website’s services. The detailed collection and usage methods are listed as follows:

Categories of Collected Personal Data

Name, gender, date of birth, nationality, place of residence, marital status, phone number, email address, and any other data provided or generated during your interaction with the Platform that can directly identify you.

Duration of Personal Data Usage

The duration of data collection and cookies for specific purposes, the expiration of the data retention period as stipulated by law or contract, or the expiration period set by the Platform, whichever is longer.

Entities Using Personal Data

STARBIT Innovation and the relevant affiliated government units, the outsourced operators of the Platform, legally authorized investigative agencies, authorized entities according to domestic and international laws, and other entities to which you have consented.

Regions Where Personal Data is Used

Taiwan and any regions where the Platform's services are available.

Methods of Using Personal Data

In compliance with relevant personal data protection laws, personal data may be used via automated machines or other non-automated means

Purposes of Collecting Personal Data:

Data will be used for investigations, statistics, and research analysis related to the Platform's services or other e-commerce services, as well as the needs of the Platform for compliance with laws and regulations, business, finance, taxation, operations or risk management purposes. (Including but not limited to independent or joint marketing, statistical surveys and analysis, internal control, management, and auditing. The statutory specific purpose numbers are 040, 090, 148, 157.)

Rights and Methods of Exercising Personal Data

(1) Rights Exercisable Towards the Platform: You have the right to inquire, request access to, or request copies of your personal data from the Platform. Depending on circumstances, the Platform may charge necessary administrative fees. You also have the right to request cessation of data collection, processing, or utilization, as well as deletion of your data from the Platform. However, the Platform may not comply with such requests if they are necessary for business operations. (2) Methods of Exercising Rights: Rights can be exercised through written communication or other methods (e.g., written communication, email, fax, or electronic documents) and procedures designated by the Platform that can be proven in the future. Please note that rights are not absolute. If a request is manifestly unfounded or excessive, we may refuse the request where permitted by applicable laws.

Impact of Not Providing Personal Data

Please note that if you fail to provide relevant personal data, the Platform may postpone or be unable to conduct necessary verification, processing operations, and related services.

III. Data Protection

The hosts of the Platform are equipped with firewalls, antivirus systems, and other relevant information security devices, as well as necessary security measures, to protect the website and your relevant data. Strict protective measures are employed, and only authorized personnel may access your relevant data.

IV. Methods of Data Sharing and Disclosure

The Platform will not arbitrarily sell, exchange, or rent any of your personal data to other groups or individuals. The Platform will only share your personal data with third parties under the following circumstances, in accordance with this policy: (1) To Provide You with Other Services or Benefits: When it is necessary to share your data with third parties to provide such services or benefits, the Platform will provide full explanations during the event and notify you before data collection. You may freely choose whether to accept such specific services or benefits. (2) For Service Quality Enhancement, Evaluation, and Research: To provide users with more accurate and high-quality services, the Platform may, in accordance with data confidentiality agreements, compare user data with data from third parties. Additionally, in anonymous scenarios, the Platform may disclose user statistical data to future partners, advertising units, and other third parties for the purpose of introducing our services and other legitimate purposes. (3) Other: The Platform is obligated to protect the privacy and personal data of its users and will not modify, delete, or provide any (or part) of your personal data or files without your consent, except in the following circumstances: 1. When requested by judicial or prosecutorial authorities of the Republic of China through legitimate procedures. 2. When there is a violation of the website's relevant regulations resulting in coercion. 3. When proactively enhancing the efficiency of government website services. 4. When protecting the legitimate rights and interests of other internet users.

V. External Links

The web pages of the Platform provide hyperlinks to other websites. You may also access other websites by clicking on the links provided on the Platform. However, the privacy protection policy of these linked websites does not apply to the Platform. You must refer to the privacy protection policy of the linked websites.

VI. Use of Cookies

To provide you with the best service, the Platform may place and access our cookies on your computer. If you do not wish to accept cookies being written, you can set your browser's privacy settings to high to refuse cookies being written. However, this may result in certain website features not performing properly.

VII. Amendment of the Privacy Protection Policy

The privacy protection policy of the Platform may be amended at any time if needed. The amended terms will be published on the website without further individual notice.

VIII. Consultation on the Privacy and Information Security Policy

If you have any questions regarding our privacy protection policy or issues related to the collection, use, or update of personal data, please contact the platform maintenance agency during business hours at: service@funtainan.com or call 02-22287600 #501.